Getting Dressed in the Dark
By Jaron and the Long Road to Love
Pray for You
After my last breakup, I've spent a lot of time sulking, moping, and feeling sorry for myself. But in the course of all that, I've begun to figure out who it is that I really am, and what exactly it is that I am looking for. I refuse to keep settling for second best because second best doesn't get you anywhere but dissatisfaction and heartache.
I want a boy who can make me laugh, who makes me feel special, who likes or can tolerate country music, who will enjoy lazy days watching movies on the couch just as much as he'll enjoy a Friday night on the town, and won't mind when I'd rather stay in than go out because I'm exhausted from my life. I want someone sweet, kind, considerate, smart, respectful (especially of my parents--for God's sake, DON'T meet my parents for the first time and say "Hi Mom." just DON'T.), and fun to be around. I want someone who doesn't smoke, who doesn't do drugs, who isn't afraid of a real relationship, or of sharing his feelings and thoughts with me. I need someone who is open and honest, who won't keep secrets, who is spontaneous to a point, but who won't change his mind about the things that really matter, like "I love you." I want someone who can make me feel beautiful, and who can reassure me on the bad days, and celebrate with me on the good ones. I need someone who will be there, who I know I can count on.
If you are or can be any and/or all of those things, don't hesitate to let me know. :) Because I promise you, that I can be an amazing girlfriend, if you give me the chance to try. I am honest and open and fun, and I really am up to try just about anything at least once. I am loyal almost to a fault, and when I love you, I love you fiercely, with everything I have--the good & the bad things about you. Because I believe above all, that love is something that is discovered through the good times and sustained in the bad times. And if you survive the bad, then you know that what you feel is real, and that makes the good times to come even that much better.